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OpenEdge 10.2A - INPUT THROUGH set does not work after Windows Update 1703 on Windows 10

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Maio 22, 2017.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    We were using below code to get the name of the computer.

    def new shared var cHost as char format "x(40)" no-undo.
    SET cHost.
    DISPLAY chost.

    After we have updated our computers (Windows 10 - 1703), it no longer works. It seems SET cHost is the part where it fails. I have tried IMPORT UNFORMATTED cHost but it does not work.

    PS: I can get computer name using OS-GETENV("COMPUTERNAME") but I have to do it using INPUT THROUGH statement.

    Edit: It seems that it is not only a problem with 10.2A but a more general one. Also it is not just related to hostname but all console applications and ms-dos commands. Now I will try to replace INPUT THROUGH statement with another Progress command if there is any, or try to communicate with existing console applications with some other method.

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