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Aumentar nº de agentes v. 10.1A

Discussão em 'Progress 4GL' iniciado por antenor, Março 13, 2014.

  1. antenor

    antenor Membro Participativo

    Por gentileza, alguém poderia me informar como aumentar o número de agentes no progress 10.1A.

    Desde já agradeço.
  2. jaisonantoniazzi

    jaisonantoniazzi Membro Ativo

    Bom dia @antenor tudo bom?
    Em AppServer / SEU SERVICO / Agente / Intervalo de pooling informe os valores para NUMERO INICIAL DE SERVIDORES, NUMERO MINIMO e NUMERO MAXIMO.

    Veja se te ajuda.
    Favor curtir a publicação.

    antenor curtiu isso.
  3. antenor

    antenor Membro Participativo

    Boa tarde Jaison, já alterei o número de no meu serviço do webspeed, entretanto ada mudou. No APPSERVER eu não tenho serviço criado, apenas os instalados com o Progress. Se ainda tiver mais alguma dica para mim eu agradeço.
  4. jaisonantoniazzi

    jaisonantoniazzi Membro Ativo

    Olá @antenor é porque estamos atacando o efeito e não a causa. Aumentar o número de agentes somente postergará o problema, infelizmente o teu ambiente é progress 101A, e não tem como pegar a pilha de processos em execução.
    Sugiro criar um ambiente isolado e simular as tarefas rotineiras para identificar o processo que está prendendo agentes. Analisar o log do appserver (Server) simultaneamente com análise do consumo de memória dos agentes, também ajudará.

  5. antenor

    antenor Membro Participativo

    Jaison, eu já crieri o ambiente teste e quando o webspeed cai o log me grava este erro, mas peço perdão, pois não consigo identificar o que pode ser. Se vc puder me ajudar eu agradeço. Segue o log:
    [14/03/17@10:50:26.968-0300] P-004416 T-004944 1 WS -- Logging level set to = 2
    [14/03/17@10:50:26.968-0300] P-000896 T-003792 1 WS -- Logging level set to = 2
    [14/03/17@10:50:26.984-0300] P-000896 T-003792 1 WS -- Log entry types activated: DB.Connects
    [14/03/17@10:50:26.984-0300] P-004416 T-004944 1 WS -- Log entry types activated: DB.Connects
    [14/03/17@10:50:27.203-0300] P-000896 T-003792 1 WS -- WTA server inicializando. (8835)
    [14/03/17@10:50:29.906-0300] P-000896 T-003792 2 WS CONN Connected to database sisconum, user number 9. (9543)

    [14/03/17@10:58:51.859-0300] P-002772 T-003140 1 WS -- Logging level set to = 2
    [14/03/17@10:58:51.859-0300] P-002772 T-003140 1 WS -- Log entry types activated: DB.Connects
    [14/03/17@10:58:51.890-0300] P-002772 T-003140 1 WS -- WTA server inicializando. (8835)
    [14/03/17@10:58:52.156-0300] P-002772 T-003140 2 WS CONN Connected to database sisconum, user number 13. (9543)
    [14/03/17@10:58:53.031-0300] P-004860 T-000280 1 WS -- Logging level set to = 2
    [14/03/17@10:58:53.031-0300] P-004860 T-000280 1 WS -- Log entry types activated: DB.Connects
    [14/03/17@10:58:53.046-0300] P-004860 T-000280 1 WS -- WTA server inicializando. (8835)
    [14/03/17@10:58:53.109-0300] P-004860 T-000280 2 WS CONN Connected to database sisconum, user number 14. (9543)
    [14/03/17@11:00:17.750-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- (Procedure: 'prg/sisconum_zoom_atendido2.htm' Line:990) ** Registro Pedido nao esta' disponivel. (91)
    [14/03/17@11:00:17.750-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- (Procedure: 'prg/sisconum_zoom_atendido2.htm' Line:990) ** Nao consegui avaliar expressao para o comando PUT. (564)
    [14/03/17@11:00:17.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 0. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:18.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 1. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:19.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 2. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:20.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 3. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:21.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 4. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:22.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 5. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:23.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 6. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:24.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 7. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:25.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 8. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:26.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 9. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:27.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 1303 sentbytes 0 retrycount 10. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:30.046-0300] P-001840 T-003768 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 5109 sentbytes 0 retrycount 0. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:31.046-0300] P-001840 T-003768 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 5109 sentbytes 0 retrycount 1. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:32.046-0300] P-001840 T-003768 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 5109 sentbytes 0 retrycount 2. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:33.046-0300] P-001840 T-003768 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 5109 sentbytes 0 retrycount 3. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:34.046-0300] P-001840 T-003768 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 5109 sentbytes 0 retrycount 4. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:35.046-0300] P-001840 T-003768 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 5109 sentbytes 0 retrycount 5. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:36.046-0300] P-001840 T-003768 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 5109 sentbytes 0 retrycount 6. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:37.046-0300] P-001840 T-003768 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 5109 sentbytes 0 retrycount 7. (6404)
    [14/03/17@11:00:37.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: npp_send() failed while sending terminate message! Error: -70. (6397)
    [14/03/17@11:00:37.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- Broker has terminated.
    [14/03/17@11:00:37.796-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- WTA: npp_poll() failed with a drastic error status: 0. (6401)
  6. Agnaldo

    Agnaldo Membro Ativo

    [14/03/17@11:00:17.750-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- (Procedure: 'prg/sisconum_zoom_atendido2.htm' Line:990) ** Registro Pedido nao esta' disponivel. (91)
    [14/03/17@11:00:17.750-0300] P-003984 T-003380 1 WS -- (Procedure: 'prg/sisconum_zoom_atendido2.htm' Line:990) ** Nao consegui avaliar expressao para o comando PUT.

    Arrume os programas ...

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