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Angular 5 Material - How to set mat-nav-list anchor link to be active on click

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Kay, Dezembro 13, 2024.

  1. Kay

    Kay Guest

    How do i set anchor links to be active in my implementation.


    <mat-nav-list class="conversation-list">
    <mat-list-item *ngFor="let conversation of conversations">
    <a (click)="goToChat(conversation)">{{getOtherUsers(conversation)}}</a>

    <div class="chat-box">


    goToChat(conversation) {
    this.router.navigate(['main/chat/', conversation._id]);


    import { ChatComponent } from './chat.component';
    import { ChatDetailComponent } from './chat-detail/chat-detail.component';

    const CHAT_ROUTES = [
    path: '',
    component: ChatComponent,
    children: [
    path: ':id',
    component: ChatDetailComponent

    The above code loops over a users conversation and creates a list of users they are chatting with. Each list item is a link to a chat component on the right of the page. When user clicks a link and i want it to be set to active.

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