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How can I show parent objects in the next level of a report (instead of child records)?

Discussão em 'PSDN - Forum' iniciado por Ruben Dröge, Janeiro 17, 2018.

  1. Ruben Dröge

    Ruben Dröge Guest

    • I have an hierarchical relationship on my Accounts object, now I am trying to build a report that does the following:
    • First level:
      • Show all accounts linked to (filtered on) a certain property (this works fine, obviously)
      • Notice that these are always child accounts (main offices /parents accounts are not linked to properties)
    • Second level:
      • Show all main offices (which are parent accounts of the earlier selected accounts)
      • This is not working, because the relationship is always looking for child accounts on the following level and never on parent account ☹
        (I should be able to choose the direction in which to look)

    Do you have an idea how I can create that view/report/Excel export from Rollbase?

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