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Docker & OpenEdge 11.7.2

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Março 29, 2018.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I have successfully managed to install Progress OpenEdge 11.6 32bit, 11.7 32bit and 11.7.1 32bit inside a Docker container, using the response.ini file.

    However, I cannot find a way to make 11.7.2 32bit working, and it's getting quite frustrating. When using proadsv -query or proadsv -start or proadsv -stop inside the container, I receive the standard 'OpenEdge Release + [time stamp here]' message yet nothing more.

    I believe the issue may have something to do with Java paths, but I'm not sure.

    NOTE: I have a host machine with Windows and the container in which I'm trying to install OpenEdge 11.7.2 has Windows Core in it as well.

    I have had a look over the dockerfile and response.ini that Mr. Bronco has in his github page here https://github.com/bfv/docker4oe but he has done some stuff for Suse Linux, and I am exclusively interested in Windows.

    Is there any solution for this?

    Upon installing, I am looking int he installation log and every single component appears to install successfully though.

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