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[4.5.2] - Related field of a related field not showing in a grid control

Discussão em 'PSDN - Forum' iniciado por IramK, Outubro 24, 2017.

  1. IramK

    IramK Guest


    I have the following structure:

    Object A - Object B: 1:M (relationship)

    Object B - Object D: M: 1 (relationship) => Object D has a field called "costPriceD". This is being taken as a related field in Object B and is called the same "costPriceB".

    Object B - Object C: 1:M (relationship) => Object C picks this related field "costPrice" from Object B and we have a related field from this in Object C called as "costPriceC".

    Now, I am trying to show a grid control for Object C on the Edit page of Object B and I have allowed for showing the "costPrice" field on the grid control. However, it shows as blank in the grid control. Seems like a bug to me. Can someone please check this scenario and respond?



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