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[4.2] - Including a function (with return value) from a hosted file gives an error

Discussão em 'PSDN - Forum' iniciado por IramK, Março 24, 2017.

  1. IramK

    IramK Guest


    I have a function that returns a value in a hosted file.

    Hosted File:

    function test(param1) {

    return param1 + "World";


    Actual Trigger: (this needs a date return value)

    {!#HOSTED_FILE.5-1W4gciTTatl-eE4CTNaQ#text} // Hosted file

    var returnValue = test("Hello");

    var currentDate = new Date();
    return currentDate; // Throws an error when I click on "Validate Formula".

    currentDate; // This works fine

    Can someone explain why is this throwing an error in the first scenario?



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