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progress 4gl how count the number of rows in a table

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Junho 24, 2016.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador


    I have tried For Each tableA no-lock with i integer increment. I also tried accum. but I get no luck. The reason I think is because the table is really large.

    for the accum. how can I benefit from the index if I have multiple field as the key?.

    Here is the data sample.

    Table name is tableA the key index is trxNum, CtrlNum, SeqNum

    I tried to enter the key index this way. But I think is not a valid syntax:

    FOR EACH trxCtld NO-LOCK:
    ACCUMULATE trxNum, CtrlNum, SeqNum (COUNT).

    and what would be the trick to so show progress, as in how many times the loop is done. I was thinking it would be nice to show every 10000 loop to pop up a message saying "hey I have done 10000 loop" and so on...

    thank you

    I am guesstimating tableA has about 2 million records.

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